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Bus Driver Pro allows you to configure and customize various aspects of a bus driving job in FiveM. Below is the detailed configuration file for the product.

Configuration File​

View config.json
/* -- Verification -- */
"License": "Enter License Here",
/* -- Verification -- */

/* -- Doors -- */
"FrontDoorKey": 108,
"RearDoorKey": 112,
/* -- Doors -- */

/* -- Skipping -- */
"EnableSkipping": true,
"SkipStopKey": 47,
/* -- Skipping -- */

/* -- Indicators -- */
"EnableIndicators": true,
"LeftIndicatorKey": 174,
"RightIndicatorKey": 175,
"WarningLightsKey": 173,
/* -- Indicators -- */

/* -- Announcement -- */
"EnableManualAnnouncement": true,
"ManualAnnouncementKey": 348,
"EnableManualAnnouncementDelay": true,
"ManualAnnouncementDelay": 5000, /* Delay in ms */
/* -- Announcement -- */

/* -- Features -- */
"EnableStopRequestSound": true,
"EnableHotkeyInfo": true,
/* -- Features -- */

/* -- HUD -- */
"AverageSpeed": 20, /* How fast a driver has to be on average for the time on its HUD (seconds per kilometer) */
/* -- HUD -- */

/* -- Hologram -- */
"EnableStopHologram": true,
"HologramDistance": 50,
"HologramSize": 0.5,
"ShowStopRoutes": true,
"ShowArrivingBusses": true,
/* -- Hologram -- */

/* -- Bus Stop Blip -- */
"EnableBusStopBlips": true,
"BusStopBlipSprite": 513,
"BusStopBlipColor": 0,
"BusStopBlipSize": 1.0,
"BusStopBlipName": "Bus Stop",
/* -- Bus Stop Blip -- */

/* -- Depot Blip -- */
"EnableDepotBlip": true,
"DepotBlipSprite": 513,
"DepotBlipColor": 0,
"DepotBlipSize": 1.0,
"DepotBlipName": "Bus Depot",
/* -- Depot Blip -- */

/* -- Depot Marker -- */
"EnableDepotMarker": true,
"DepotMarkerColorRed": 10,
"DepotMarkerColorGreen": 0,
"DepotMarkerColorBlue": 255,
"DepotMarkerSize": 5,
"DepotMarkerHeight": 1,
"DepotMarkerType": 1,
/* -- Depot Marker -- */

/* -- Commands -- */
"EnableCancelCommand": true,
"CancelCommand": "cancelRoute",
"EnableDriveCommand": true,
"DriveCommand": "drive",
"EnableShowStopsCommand": true,
"ShowStopsCommand": "showStops",
"EnableNearestStopCommand": true,
"NearestStopCommand": "nearestStop",
/* -- Commands -- */

/* -- Bus Left Timeout -- */
"EnableBusLeftTimeout": true,
"BusLeftTimeout": 60,
/* -- Bus Left Timeout -- */

/* -- Positions -- */
"Depot": {
"X": 463.61,
"Y": -647.7,
"Z": 27.24
"StartPoint": {
"X": 435.9,
"Y": -645.52,
"Z": 27.74
/* -- Positions -- */

/* -- ESX -- */
"ChargeSecurityDeposit": true,
"ChargeFromAccount": false,
"ChargeAccountIsSociety": false,
"ChargeAccount": "bank",
"SecurityDepositAmount": 5000,
"RestrictToJob": true,
"Job": "busdriver",
"RestrictBlipToJob": true,
"EnablePayout": true,
"InitialPayment": 950,
"PerPassengerPayment": 7.50,
"AddToAccount": false,
"AddAccountIsSociety": false,
"Account": "bank",
/* -- ESX -- */

/* -- Route Editor -- */
"RestrictRouteEditorToJobRank": true,
"RouteEditorJobRank": 1,
"RestrictRouteEditorToPermission": false,
"RouteEditorPermission": "busdriverpro.editor",
/* -- Route Editor -- */

/* -- Route Settings -- */
"EnableReverseRoute": true,
"EnableRoundtrip": true,
/* -- Route Settings -- */

/* -- Troubleshooting -- */
"AlwaysDeletePeds": false,
"UseLegacyPedSpawning": false,
"AlwaysUpdateHUD": false,
/* -- Troubleshooting -- */

/* -- Controls -- */
"ControlMapping": { /* Do not edit!! */
/* -- Controls -- */

/* -- Spawn Points -- */
"SpawnPoints": [
"X": 424.89,
"Y": -644.77,
"Z": 27.5
"X": 425.82,
"Y": -609.14,
"Z": 27.5
"X": 454.02,
"Y": -580.07,
"Z": 27.5
"X": 471.22,
"Y": -582.55,
"Z": 27.5
"X": 467.57,
"Y": -603.4,
"Z": 27.5
"X": 460.1,
"Y": -631.03,
"Z": 27.5
"X": 462.73,
"Y": -655.33,
"Z": 26.78
/* -- Spawn Points -- */


  • License: A unique identifier for each transaction. This field is used for tracking and verification purposes. Learn more


  • FrontDoorKey: Key to open the front door.
  • RearDoorKey: Key to open the rear door.


  • EnableSkipping: Enable or disable the ability to skip stops.
  • SkipStopKey: Key to skip a stop.


  • EnableIndicators: Enable or disable the indicators.
  • LeftIndicatorKey: Key for the left indicator.
  • RightIndicatorKey: Key for the right indicator.
  • WarningLightsKey: Key for the warning lights.


  • EnableManualAnnouncement: Enable or disable manual announcements.
  • ManualAnnouncementKey: Key to make manual announcements.
  • EnableManualAnnouncementDelay: Enable or disable delay for manual announcements.
  • ManualAnnouncementDelay: Delay time for manual announcements in milliseconds.


  • EnableStopRequestSound: Enable or disable stop request sounds.
  • EnableHotkeyInfo: Enable or disable hotkey information.


  • AverageSpeed: How fast a driver has to be on average for the time on its HUD (seconds per kilometer).


  • EnableStopHologram: Enable or disable the stop hologram.
  • HologramDistance: Distance at which the hologram is visible.
  • HologramSize: Size of the hologram.
  • ShowStopRoutes: Show the stop routes.
  • ShowArrivingBusses: Show arriving buses.

Bus Stop Blip​

  • EnableBusStopBlips: Enable or disable bus stop blips.
  • BusStopBlipSprite: Sprite for the bus stop blip.
  • BusStopBlipColor: Color for the bus stop blip.
  • BusStopBlipSize: Size of the bus stop blip.
  • BusStopBlipName: Name for the bus stop blip.

Depot Blip​

  • EnableDepotBlip: Enable or disable depot blips.
  • DepotBlipSprite: Sprite for the depot blip.
  • DepotBlipColor: Color for the depot blip.
  • DepotBlipSize: Size of the depot blip.
  • DepotBlipName: Name for the depot blip.

Depot Marker​

  • EnableDepotMarker: Enable or disable the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerColorRed: Red color value for the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerColorGreen: Green color value for the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerColorBlue: Blue color value for the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerSize: Size of the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerHeight: Height of the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerType: Type of the depot marker.


  • EnableCancelCommand: Enable or disable the cancel command.
  • CancelCommand: Command to cancel the route.
  • EnableDriveCommand: Enable or disable the drive command.
  • DriveCommand: Command to start driving.
  • EnableShowStopsCommand: Enable or disable the show stops command.
  • ShowStopsCommand: Command to show the stops.
  • EnableNearestStopCommand: Enable or disable the nearest stop command.
  • NearestStopCommand: Command to find the nearest stop.

Bus Left Timeout​

  • EnableBusLeftTimeout: Enable or disable the bus left timeout.
  • BusLeftTimeout: Timeout for the bus left in seconds.


  • Depot: Coordinates for the depot.
  • StartPoint: Coordinates for the start point.


  • ChargeSecurityDeposit: Enable or disable charging a security deposit.
  • ChargeFromAccount: Enable or disable charging from an account.
  • ChargeAccountIsSociety: Specify if the charge account is a society.
  • ChargeAccount: Account to charge from.
  • SecurityDepositAmount: Amount of the security deposit.
  • RestrictToJob: Restrict to a specific job.
  • Job: Job restriction.
  • RestrictBlipToJob: Restrict blip to job.
  • EnablePayout: Enable or disable payout.
  • InitialPayment: Initial payment amount.
  • PerPassengerPayment: Payment per passenger.
  • AddToAccount: Add to an account.
  • AddAccountIsSociety: Specify if the add account is a society.
  • Account: Account to add to.

Route Editor​

  • RestrictRouteEditorToJobRank: Restrict route editor to a job rank.
  • RouteEditorJobRank: Job rank for the route editor.
  • RestrictRouteEditorToPermission: Restrict route editor to a permission.
  • RouteEditorPermission: Permission for the route editor.

Route Settings​

  • EnableReverseRoute: Enable or disable reverse route.
  • EnableRoundtrip: Enable or disable roundtrip.


  • AlwaysDeletePeds: Always delete peds.
  • UseLegacyPedSpawning: Use legacy ped spawning.
  • AlwaysUpdateHUD: Always update the HUD.


  • ControlMapping: (Do not edit) Mapping of controls.

Spawn Points​

  • SpawnPoints: Coordinates for the spawn points.


  • The hotkeys listed in the ControlMapping section should not be modified or removed to ensure proper functionality.