Monitor Object
The Monitor Object in the API represents a monitored Service in Garmingo Status.
List Monitors
The List Monitors endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all Monitors in your Garmingo Status instance.
Search Monitors
The Search Monitors endpoint allows you to search and/or filter Monitors in your Garmingo Status instance.
Get a Monitor
The Get Monitor endpoint allows you to retrieve a specific Monitor in your Garmingo Status instance.
Get a Monitors Uptime
This endpoint allows you to retrieve the uptime of a specific Monitor in your Garmingo Status instance.
Get a Monitors Response Time
This endpoint allows you to retrieve the min, max, and average response time of a specific Monitor in your Garmingo Status instance.
Create Monitor
This endpoint allows you to create a new Monitor in your Garmingo Status instance.
Update Monitor
This endpoint allows you to update an existing Monitor in your Garmingo Status instance.
Delete Monitor
This endpoint allows you to delete an existing Monitor from your Garmingo Status instance.
Send a Heartbeat
This endpoint allows you to send a heartbeat for a specific Monitor of the Heartbeat (CRON) type in your Garmingo Status instance.
Manually Set Monitor Status
This can lead to unexpected behavior and should only be used in special cases.
Temporarily Pause Monitor
This is especially useful in CI/CD pipelines when deploying new versions of your application.