β»οΈ Garbage Collector Pro
Garbage Collector Pro introduces a comprehensive garbage collection job to your FiveM server. Below is the detailed configuration file for the product.
- FiveM Forum Post: Garbage Collector Pro in the Forums
- YouTube Video: Watch the Demo
- Download: Get Garbage Collector Pro
Configuration Fileβ
View config.json
/* -- Verification -- */
"License": "Enter License here",
/* -- Verification -- */
/* -- Features -- */
"DisableSprinting": false,
"DisableJumping": false,
"DisableEnteringCarWithSackTruck": false,
/* -- Features -- */
/* -- Depot Blip -- */
"EnableDepotBlip": true,
"DepotBlipSprite": 318,
"DepotBlipColor": 5,
"DepotBlipSize": 1.0,
"DepotBlipName": "Garbage Depot",
/* -- Depot Blip -- */
/* -- Commands -- */
"EnableCancelCommand": true,
"CancelCommand": "cancelGarbage",
"EnableDriveCommand": true,
"DriveCommand": "driveGarbage",
"EnableShowStopsCommand": true,
"ShowStopsCommand": "showDeliveryStops",
/* -- Commands -- */
/* -- Positions -- */
"Depot": {
"X": -322.25,
"Y": -1545.64,
"Z": 31.02
/* -- Positions -- */
/* -- Framework -- */
"ChargeSecurityDeposit": true,
"SecurityDepositAmount": 1000,
"RestrictToJob": true,
"Job": "garbage",
"RestrictBlipToJob": true,
"AddToBank": false,
"MoneyPerStop": 25,
/* -- Framework -- */
/* -- Route Editor -- */
"RestrictRouteEditorToJobRank": true,
"RouteEditorJobRank": 1,
"RestrictRouteEditorToPermission": false,
"RouteEditorPermission": "garbagecollectorpro.editor",
/* -- Route Editor -- */
/* -- Spawn Points -- */
"SpawnPoints": [
"X": -307.99,
"Y": -1521.29,
"Z": 27.8
"X": -310.4,
"Y": -1527.41,
"Z": 27.53
"X": -316.37,
"Y": -1535.46,
"Z": 27.63
"X": -328.37,
"Y": -1523.46,
"Z": 27.63
/* -- Spawn Points -- */
- License: A unique identifier for each transaction. This field is used for tracking and verification purposes. Learn more
- DisableSprinting: When set to true, sprinting is disabled during the job.
- DisableJumping: When set to true, jumping is disabled during the job.
- DisableEnteringCarWithSackTruck: Prevents players from entering cars while carrying a sack truck.
Depot Blipβ
- EnableDepotBlip: Enables the depot blip on the map.
- DepotBlipSprite: Sprite used for the depot blip.
- DepotBlipColor: Color of the depot blip.
- DepotBlipSize: Size of the depot blip.
- DepotBlipName: Name displayed for the depot blip.
- EnableCancelCommand: Enables the command to cancel the garbage collection job.
- CancelCommand: The command used to cancel the job.
- EnableDriveCommand: Enables the command to drive the garbage truck.
- DriveCommand: The command used to start driving the garbage truck.
- EnableShowStopsCommand: Enables the command to show delivery stops.
- ShowStopsCommand: The command used to display delivery stops.
- Depot: Coordinates for the garbage depot.
- ChargeSecurityDeposit: Charges a security deposit for the job.
- SecurityDepositAmount: Amount charged as a security deposit.
- RestrictToJob: Restricts the job to a specific role.
- Job: The job required to perform the garbage collection.
- RestrictBlipToJob: Restricts the depot blip to the specified job.
- AddToBank: Adds earnings to the bank account.
- MoneyPerStop: Amount of money earned per stop.
Route Editorβ
- RestrictRouteEditorToJobRank: Restricts the route editor to a specific job rank.
- RouteEditorJobRank: Minimum job rank required to access the route editor.
- RestrictRouteEditorToPermission: Restricts the route editor to users with specific permission.
- RouteEditorPermission: The permission required to access the route editor.
Spawn Pointsβ
Coordinates for the spawn points of garbage trucks:
- SpawnPoints: A list of coordinates where garbage trucks can spawn.