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πŸ“¬ Mailman Pro

Mailman Pro adds an immersive mail delivery job to your FiveM server. Below is the detailed configuration file for the product.

Configuration File​

View config.json
/* -- Verification -- */
"License": "Enter License here",
/* -- Verification -- */

/* -- Features -- */
"DisableSprinting": false,
"DisableJumping": false,
"DisableEnteringCarWithSackTruck": false,
/* -- Features -- */

/* -- Depot Blip -- */
"EnableDepotBlip": true,
"DepotBlipSprite": 568,
"DepotBlipColor": 5,
"DepotBlipSize": 1.0,
"DepotBlipName": "Mail Depot",
/* -- Depot Blip -- */

/* -- Depot Marker -- */
"EnableDepotMarker": true,
"DepotMarkerColorRed": 10,
"DepotMarkerColorGreen": 0,
"DepotMarkerColorBlue": 255,
"DepotMarkerSize": 5,
"DepotMarkerHeight": 1,
"DepotMarkerType": 1,
/* -- Depot Marker -- */

/* -- Commands -- */
"EnableCancelCommand": true,
"CancelCommand": "cancelDelivery",
"EnableDriveCommand": true,
"DriveCommand": "deliver",
"EnableShowStopsCommand": true,
"ShowStopsCommand": "showDeliveryStops",
/* -- Commands -- */

/* -- Positions -- */
/* -- Positions -- */

/* -- ESX -- */
"ChargeSecurityDeposit": true,
"SecurityDepositAmount": 1000,
"RestrictToJob": true,
"Job": "gopostal",
"RestrictBlipToJob": true,
"AddToBank": false,
"MoneyPerParcel": 25,
"MoneyPerLetter": 10,
"EnableItem": true,
"ParcelItem": "parcel",
"LetterItem": "letter",
/* -- ESX -- */

/* -- Route Editor -- */
"RestrictRouteEditorToJobRank": true,
"RouteEditorJobRank": 1,
"RestrictRouteEditorToPermission": false,
"RouteEditorPermission": "mailmanpro.editor",
/* -- Route Editor -- */

/* -- Spawn Points -- */
"SpawnPoints": [
/* -- Spawn Points -- */

/* -- Names -- */
"FirstNames": [
"LastNames": [
"De Santa",
/* -- Names -- */


  • License: A unique identifier for each transaction. This field is used for tracking and verification purposes. Learn more


  • DisableSprinting: When set to true, sprinting is disabled during the job.
  • DisableJumping: When set to true, jumping is disabled during the job.
  • DisableEnteringCarWithSackTruck: Prevents players from entering cars while carrying a sack truck.

Depot Blip​

  • EnableDepotBlip: Enables the depot blip on the map.
  • DepotBlipSprite: Sprite used for the depot blip.
  • DepotBlipColor: Color of the depot blip.
  • DepotBlipSize: Size of the depot blip.
  • DepotBlipName: Name displayed for the depot blip.

Depot Marker​

  • EnableDepotMarker: Enables the depot marker on the map.
  • DepotMarkerColorRed: Red color component of the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerColorGreen: Green color component of the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerColorBlue: Blue color component of the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerSize: Size of the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerHeight: Height of the depot marker.
  • DepotMarkerType: Type of the depot marker.


  • EnableCancelCommand: Enables the command to cancel the mail delivery job.
  • CancelCommand: The command used to cancel the job.
  • EnableDriveCommand: Enables the command to start delivering mail.
  • DriveCommand: The command used to start delivering mail.
  • EnableShowStopsCommand: Enables the command to show delivery stops.
  • ShowStopsCommand: The command used to display delivery stops.


  • Depot: Coordinates for the mail depot.

ESX Integration​

  • ChargeSecurityDeposit: Charges a security deposit for the job.
  • SecurityDepositAmount: Amount charged as a security deposit.
  • RestrictToJob: Restricts the job to a specific role.
  • Job: The job required to perform the mail delivery.
  • RestrictBlipToJob: Restricts the depot blip to the specified job.
  • AddToBank: Adds earnings to the bank account.
  • MoneyPerParcel: Amount of money earned per parcel delivered.
  • MoneyPerLetter: Amount of money earned per letter delivered.
  • EnableItem: Enables the use of items for parcels and letters.
  • ParcelItem: The item used for parcels.
  • LetterItem: The item used for letters.

Route Editor​

  • RestrictRouteEditorToJobRank: Restricts the route editor to a specific job rank.
  • RouteEditorJobRank: Minimum job rank required to access the route editor.
  • RestrictRouteEditorToPermission: Restricts the route editor to users with specific permission.
  • RouteEditorPermission: The permission required to access the route editor.

Spawn Points​

Coordinates for the spawn points of mail trucks:

  • SpawnPoints: A list of coordinates where mail trucks can spawn.


List of first and last names for customers signing for packages:

  • FirstNames: A list of first names.
  • LastNames: A list of last names.


Mailman Pro includes a Translations folder with files for German and English. You can drag and drop these files into the MailmanPro folder, or edit them to add your own languages.

translations.json Example​

View translations.json
/* -- Menu -- */
"MainMenuHeader": "GarbageCollectorPro",
"MainMenuDescription": "Select action",
"DriveMenuHeader": "Drive Route",
"DriveMenuDescription": "Select garbage route",
"RouteEditorName": "Route Editor",
"RouteEditorDescription": "Open the route editor",
"RouteItemDescription": "Collect garbage on %name% - Estimated time is %time%min",
"RouteMenuHeader": "Collect on %name%",
"RouteMenuDescription": "Configure your tour on %name%",
"RouteMenuCarItemName": "Garbage vehicle",
"RouteMenuCarItemDescription": "Select garbage vehicle",
"RouteMenuDriveItemName": "Start garbage collection tour",
"RouteMenuDriveItemDescription": "Start your collection tour",
/* -- Menu -- */

/* -- Notifications -- */
"NoSpawnAvailable": "There is no suitable spawn point available.",
"RouteCancelled": "It looks like you cancelled your route.",
"Delivered": "Proceed to the next stop.",
"RouteFinished": "You have finished your route. Drive back to the depot.",
"PressToGrab": "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to grab the garbage bin.",
"Grabbed": "You grabbed the garbage bin.",
"PutInTruck": "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to put the garbage in the truck.",
"PutGarbageIn": "You put the garbage in the truck.",
"PlaceGarbageBin": "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to place the garbage bin on the ground.",
"EndingLine1": "You finished your route.",
"EndingLine2": "You emptied %stops% garbage bins.",
"EndingLine3": "You earned %dollar%$.",
/* -- Notifications -- */

/* -- Misc -- */
"DeliveryStopBlipName": "Collection stop",
"OpenMenu": "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the menu.",
/* -- Misc -- */