Garmingo Dashboard

A deeper look into Codineer Central

Currently not up to date!

The description below is for our old Codineer Central - It will be updated soon!

What is Codineer Central?

Codineer Central is a Webpanel provided by us where you can get an overview over your products, you can reach it by clicking here. (

How do I log in to Codineer Central?

Once you are on the webpage, you'll see a text field where you have to put in your Transaction ID. Then press "Log in".

Once Logged in, what can I do now?

Once you are logged in, you see all of your products associated to this transaction id.

Now, if you want to download one of the scripts, you can click on the name of the script and press "Download".

If you want to download an older version of the script click "Versions" and then press the download button next to the version number you want to download.

It's not letting me log in. I have Problems with logging in.

If it's not letting you log in it's probably because your CodiPass subscription is over or your transaction id is suspended.

If you think that neither of these two things are possible, send us a mail ( or contact us on Discord (

Last updated