๐Ÿ—บ๏ธCircle Map Pro

Adds a Cirle Map instead of the ugly default map

FiveM Forum Post: https://forum.cfx.re/t/circle-map-pro-a-nice-and-clean-circled-minimap-codineer-digital/2484924

YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McIIBfyKyHg

Download: https://garmingo.com/games/tebex/4390885

About config.json

    "License": "Enter license here",
    "x": -0.025,
    "y": -0.015


  • TransactionID: A unique identifier for each transaction. This field is used for tracking and verification purposes. Learn more

Position of Map

  • x and y coordinates on where the map is on the screen.

Circle Map not showing

Occasionally, you might encounter an issue where the circle map is not displayed, and instead, a larger map appears. To resolve this, please follow these steps:

  1. Clear Cache (especially if this happens after installation):

    • Client Cache: Begin by deleting the cache on your client-side. This often resolves these display glitches.

    • Server Cache: Also, clear your server cache. This often resolves it for everyone playing on your server.

  2. Check for Conflicting Resources:

    • If clearing the cache doesnโ€™t resolve the issue, inspect your server for any resources that might interfere with the map display. This includes HUDs or other map-related modifications.

    • Test by Disabling: Temporarily disable these resources to test if they are causing the conflict. This step helps in isolating the issue and identifying the specific resource causing the problem.

Additional Assistance:

If these steps do not resolve the issue, please reach out for further support. We're here to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience with your Circle Map.

Last updated